All Roblox character IDs January 2025
Every Roblox character ID in a searchable database, including codes for bundles of Roblox clothing items and gear.
Roblox character IDs and codes represent bundles of Roblox catalog items that typically form a single unique character. Iconic examples include the Junkbot and Steampunk Robot.
In redeeming one character code, you will gain access to multiple items which can be used independently, or together all at once. Almost every character on the marketplace really stands out, and can even come with unique animations.
Best Roblox characters and IDs
You can search our full database of Roblox characters with just a few keywords, or by browsing our massive Roblox catalog of IDs below.
With characters consisting of numerous items, you can often mix and match portions of one character with other characters to make your very own unique avatar. A really easy way to make a character unique to you is to swap out the Roblox head or Roblox face with one that you’re familiar with.
There are hundreds of great Roblox character codes out there, and we’ve easily spent a few hundred hours poring the options in search of the best Roblox character IDs for our avatars. Our candidates for the best Roblox characters are the Junkbot (which is free!), and the loveable Bee.