Anime Champions Codes
Our Anime Champions Simulator codes wiki is home to all of the latest Anime Champions Simulator codes, regularly checked and updated by a team of experts.
Dive into Anime Champions Simulator with a detachment of your favorite anime characters from a wide range of universes. Fight and defeat armies of legendary bosses and enemies to empower your heroes, and become the greatest champion of them all! Of course, you’ll need a lot of diamonds to get there, but you can skip the grind and get some free Anime Champions diamonds and more with our fully updated Anime Champions codes.
Table of contents:
New Anime Champions Simulator codes
Boosts, rune dust, premium medals, and more | |
1000 diamonds, three galaxy one summons, three galaxy two summons, three galaxy three summons, three halloween 2024 summons, 20 mount essences, 15 ascension ii cards, one of all potions, 100 devourer crystals, 50 premium medals, 100 rune dust, and 100 scraps | |
Rewards | |
250% boosts, two beach summons and 100 premium metals | |
100 rune dust, 1000 diamonds, and boosts | |
50 premium medals , three summer portal summons, three beach summons, and 250% boosts | |
1000 diamonds, boosts, and 100 rune dust | |
Summer showdown cosmic summon capsules | |
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Expired Anime Champions codes
Sorry, but you didn’t manage to redeem these Anime Champion codes in time, and so they shall forever remain a memory:
- FreeDevPack – a free pack
- LetsGoGalaxy3 – 20 cosmic summons
- oTMApology – summons and luck boosts
- G3Hype – 100 rune dust, 1k diamonds, and boosts
- ThanksDad – summons and luck boosts
- LuckyMonday – summons and luck boosts
- Galaxy3Soon – summons and luck boosts
- LastChanceXP – summons and luck boosts
- IAmAtomic – summons and luck boosts
- Alpha1 – summons and luck boosts
- SeasonPassBuff – two fusion earrings, two fusion skin essences, a galaxy 1 summon, a galaxy 2 summon, 100 rune dust, and 100 Scrap
- DailyQuest5 – 1k diamonds, a raid chest key, and a luck boost
- Update17 – 100 rune dust, 1k diamonds, and boosts
- DailyQuest4 – diamonds
- 200Million – a Galaxy 2 summon capsule, a Galaxy 1 summon capsule, an orb enhancer, and diamonds
- AddedSkins – three raid keys, cosmic summons, and easter coins
- 150kLikesTY – cosmic summons, 1k diamonds, scrap, rune dust, and potions
- Galaxy2Hype – diamonds and boosts
- ThisIsFine – 5k diamonds and boosts
- SorryTourney – drops boost
- WaitingGiantsTM – 3k diamonds and boosts
- WOW100Mil – 2.5k diamonds, advanced ascension cards, ascension cards, boosts, and a raid chest key
- 100kFaves – rewards
- thanks50mil – 50 talent tokens, luck boost, damage boost, XP boost, and a coin boost
- Gigantic – 2k diamonds and a raid chest key
- TurnDown4What – a Halloween summon, raid chest key, and boosts
- ACSFoodEvent – one raid key, diamonds, and boosts
- GiveMeLuck – an orb enhancer and one cosmic summon
- TurkeyDay – 1k diamonds, one Halloween summon, an arcane turkey costume, one raid chest key, and boosts
- Scrappy – 1k diamonds, a raid chest key, 500 scraps, and a damage boost
- PatientZero – free rewards
- Tournaments – 2k diamonds and boosts
- TYBurger – 5k diamonds and boosts